We hold our Milwaukie Country & Western Dances at Milwaukie Community Club Center on the 4th Saturday of the month. (Check our Dance Calendar for the next scheduled dance.) Dances begin at 7 pm and end at midnight. The cost is normally $8 per person (suggested donation) and dress is western or casual. Expect to see 85 to 100 people at these dances. The majority are singles, but couples are always welcome. We play a good mixture of old & new country & western music, with a little bit of classic rock & oldies thrown in for good measure. Requests are accepted. Because our singles span such a wide age range (all adult ages 18 through retirement are welcome), we try to cover as many dance interests as possible. Some of our singles are competition-level experts, and some have never danced before in their lives. If you fall anywhere in between, you'll feel right at home. We play music suitable for line dancing, partner dancing, and mixers. If you're a ballroom dancer, you'll find the country & western music works well for many different types of ballroom dances. Dance lessons are from 7 to 8 pm before most dances. Sometimes we teach couples dances, sometimes mixers, and sometimes line dances. You don't need to bring a partner...we rotate frequently throughout the lesson. Tim & Cheri Hoffman are our resident dance instructors for Milwaukie dances. Pop and bottled water are $1 at the concession table. (Water fountain also available). This is a smoke-free and alcohol-free event for adults. Directions to reach Milwaukie Community Club in east Milwaukie, Oregon, on the corner of SE 42nd & Jackson (it's just south of King Road):